Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fort Worth Stockyards

Went to the Stockyards today.. had a wonderful day, weather perfect, sights and museums were fun and food was fabulous!


Long horn Steer:

7 month old Baby Long horn Steer  (Texas Ray):

visited a few museums:

love these chairs:

I will gladly pay 15 cents for a bath:


2 horse power:
time for the cattle drive:
Texas Ray gets to walk too!
Time for lunch:
table prepared guacamole:
VIP Stockyard platter: (pork tacos, ribs, nachos and smoked thighs):
got to love a place that has an area for washing up after eating ribs:
on to Hall of Fames:
Eric enjoying a campfire by the chuck wagon:
Nolan Ryan:
Log wagon from Minnesota:

Here comes the train:
not too many people on board..
 the engine gets decoupled then needs to get turned around:
Time to head back to camp..  we did manage to get some Texas beer, St Arnolds for me, Shiner Bock for Eric.. its going to be a good night at the campfire!

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