Sunday, January 20, 2013

skinning a fox, birding and of course food!

We went on a bird walk at Santa Ana today.  We got 2 new birds, should have had 3 but we did not see the wren..  we will look for it next week while we are cleaning the trails.

After our walk, Brian was skinning a fox..

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pretty gross!  I was having a hard time watching him touch it with his bare hands.. 

Time for lunch:

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we both had burgers, mine is the blue cheese bacon burger.  the fries were very fresh, a bit greasy.  the burger was OK, a little dry.  next time will try the pulled pork.

Saturday we headed to the Island for a bit of birding and lunch.  we actually seen 4 new birds to us!  A Flammulated Owl, a Sora, a Western Tanager and a Clapper Rail. 

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a group of people (can you see me?) looking for the Owl…


lunch time:


I had the charbroiled shrimp plate, Eric had the shrimp and oyster po’boy

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the oysters were the best we have had west of the Mississippi!  a bit spicy hot for me, but very very good.  my charbroiled shrimp were fantastic.. 

stopped for a pound of fresh shrimp to cook this week.  great day on the Island, the weather was perfect, birding was perfect and of course lunch was perfect!  no complaints from us.

Sunday was another beautiful day, 77 sunny with light winds. biked for about 5 miles in Hidalgo by the Pump House.  found one new bird!  went to the flea Market:

DSCF6713 new Chiminea for home.. it has frogs on it!

Shrimp on the BBQ for dinner.  Wonderful 4 day weekend. Back to work tomorrow!


  1. I wouldn't be interested in watching the fox skinning, either. We do miss all the birds in the Valley. But we like the weather better here in Arizona. (It's not humid.)

  2. Hi Carol, we really like it down here even with the humidity, but we might look at going west in the future!

  3. Does the Chiminea take the place of Eric's open fire pit?? I get hungry every time I read your blog. Will be in Texas soon and looking forward to some of the food that I read about.

  4. Roberta, the Chiminea will be under the deck (facing the lake)once we get it landscaped. Nothing will take away Eric's fire pit!

  5. Good, sooooo glad to hear that... Love, love, the fire pit.
