Friday, January 18, 2013

shoe shine and new eyeglasses

We went to Mexico on Thursday with about 5000 other Winter Texans.  the weather was great, was shining and lots of Margarita’s in their hands.  Bought some tiles for the sauna and a bird bath for the butterfly garden.  Needed to get my boots shined, cost $1 gave him a $2 tip.

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He did a really great job!  much better than I expected, no other shoe shine guy bothered me the rest of the day! 

Picked up our eyeglasses too.  Vision World in McAllen wanted $850, I paid $190.  they are not the newest fad frames but they look nice and they work!

Lunch at the Red Snapper:  shrimp Vera Cruz for me, seafood platter for Eric:

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both were very good. the fried shrimp was not as good as we get on the coast but did not expect it to be.  nice surprise to get white rice, usually it is the red sauce version which I am not crazy about.

We had a great day just walking around talking to the other winter Texans. Met some from Ashland Wis. everyone is always in a good mood and very friendly when they are in Mexico. Might be the Margarita’s.


  1. Cool boots and as always , love seeing the food. Now when you say "our" eyeglasses do you mean both You and Eric? IF so when are the pic's of Dud's coming in his spectacle's?

  2. Cool boots and as always , love seeing the food. Now when you say "our" eyeglasses do you mean both You and Eric? IF so when are the pic's of Dud's coming in his spectacle's?

  3. Steve, yes Eric wears glasses when he is drivng. it used to be for night time driving but now he wears them everytime he drives.. getting older
