Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Another great work week


When we woke up today it was 68 degrees warmer here in Alamo than in Birchwood! The thought froze my blood! Not to brag but we had a beautiful day on the refuge. No Bobcats but we did see a 6+ foot Indigo Snake! Eric was about 5 feet from it when he seen it.  He really hates snakes! We also spotted a Great Horned Owl in a nest! we could see her very clearly.

At 6:00 am this morning it was –15 in Birchwood and 60 here in Alamo!  brrrr…  we started our day at the Native Plant Nursery.  our supplies came in to begin starting our grass seeds

first we screened the peat moss, then filled the flat:

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spread the seed then water:

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we got 6 flats done today will do another 6 tomorrow.


DSCF6725 it should take about a week before we see the seedlings. once they are about an inch high we will thin them out.

this picture is from last year when we weeded, the next is from today!  they grow fast down here!

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back to the refuge to install a sign:


and see a few bobcats.  we actually seen 6 today!  this little guy, 4 in this picture and another that was bigger and faster!

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No pictures on Wednesday.  pretty typical day on the trails. Did get another new bird!  Wilson’s Phalarope.I think we are up to 245! hope to get a few more this weekend.


  1. You are so fortunate to see all those bobcats. And the new birds! Wow! Glad it is going so well for you. You two really know how to explore the area you are in.

  2. Carol, last year we seen two bobcats in 4 months! I don't know if we are more aware or if the refuge is really coming back from the flood.
