Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Germination and a broken bench

It was a very hot and humid start to the week. 9 of our 12 grass flats germinated over the weekend! 


we planted 6 more flats on Monday.  will plant another 10 later in the week or next week.  we really like this project. as soon as the plants are about an inch high we will be shown how to thin them.

this bench needs fixing.  so we decided to dig it up and take it back to the shop.. 


all fixed up and ready to use!


Eric has been hinting that I need to drive the truck so I don’t forget how to drive.  I have not had to drive a vehicle since late October.  My reply was that once we get home it will still be winter, ice, snow etc..  so I won’t be driving until Late May..  this discussion will continue for a while.

another great week here in the valley. only seen one Javalina today.  no bobcats this week. It has been very windy, hoping it calms down tonight.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Can this really be January?

Weather is beautiful, 85, sunny with a bit of wind and of course a nice dose of humidity.  Between the smells and weather I have been reminded of Costa Rica.  I really think a lot has to do with the burning of the sugar cane fields.  When we volunteered in Costa Rica we cut and processed sugar cane.  they have been burning sugar cane fields this week pretty close to the refuge.

We went for a bike ride on Thursday morning, found some kale and sugar cane on the road.  we made the kale with some sausage for dinner.  turns out is was very good.

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Lunch was at a local place.  Eric had the plate special, mine was the enchilada suizas (not as pretty so did not take a picture).


as usual too much food.

off to the Edinburg Wetlands to look for a few new birds.  found one, the lesser goldfinch.  also a pair of common moorhens. Ran into Butterfly Mike from Santa Ana.

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Friday started out very nice but became very windy by late afternoon.  We jogged and biked then went bird watching.  Lunch at

DSCF6750 Eric had the Fajitas and I the tacos.

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they were both pretty good but we don’t need to repeat this place.

headed to the Frontera Audubon to look for more birds.  We did see a bird or two that we could not identify.  it was a very pleasant afternoon walking around the grounds.  ran into the “hawk man”, he was on the levy counting the migrating birds last March.

we think this is a red eared turtle.

DSCF6753 he had a red mark where you would think the ear is…

finished off the pickled Northern that cousin Rose gave us last fall.  thanks Rose!

Saturday was Santa Ana WLR 70th birthday party.  we went there to help set up, took about 2 hours.  left there and went to the Nursery to fix our sun screen and water the plants.


headed to:


which is right on the Rio Grande in fact at this spot if you look NORTH you will be looking at Mexico!

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it was a very nice park, great afternoon walking around and looking for birds.  Lunch was at BJ’s Brewhouse.  too hungry to take pictures.  but both of our lunches were great! We went to this one last year and enjoyed our meal then too.

Sunday off to Bentsen State park for an 8:30 birdwalk.   very windy today.  did not see any new birds but met a few birders we had met at other parks.  everyone is so friendly and knowledgeable and willing to share!  We had to put the A/C on when we got home. it was very humid.  temps going down to low 70’s for the overnight and humid. we have been able to sleep with the windows open but not tonight!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Another great work week


When we woke up today it was 68 degrees warmer here in Alamo than in Birchwood! The thought froze my blood! Not to brag but we had a beautiful day on the refuge. No Bobcats but we did see a 6+ foot Indigo Snake! Eric was about 5 feet from it when he seen it.  He really hates snakes! We also spotted a Great Horned Owl in a nest! we could see her very clearly.

At 6:00 am this morning it was –15 in Birchwood and 60 here in Alamo!  brrrr…  we started our day at the Native Plant Nursery.  our supplies came in to begin starting our grass seeds

first we screened the peat moss, then filled the flat:

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spread the seed then water:

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we got 6 flats done today will do another 6 tomorrow.


DSCF6725 it should take about a week before we see the seedlings. once they are about an inch high we will thin them out.

this picture is from last year when we weeded, the next is from today!  they grow fast down here!

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back to the refuge to install a sign:


and see a few bobcats.  we actually seen 6 today!  this little guy, 4 in this picture and another that was bigger and faster!

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No pictures on Wednesday.  pretty typical day on the trails. Did get another new bird!  Wilson’s Phalarope.I think we are up to 245! hope to get a few more this weekend.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

skinning a fox, birding and of course food!

We went on a bird walk at Santa Ana today.  We got 2 new birds, should have had 3 but we did not see the wren..  we will look for it next week while we are cleaning the trails.

After our walk, Brian was skinning a fox..

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pretty gross!  I was having a hard time watching him touch it with his bare hands.. 

Time for lunch:

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we both had burgers, mine is the blue cheese bacon burger.  the fries were very fresh, a bit greasy.  the burger was OK, a little dry.  next time will try the pulled pork.

Saturday we headed to the Island for a bit of birding and lunch.  we actually seen 4 new birds to us!  A Flammulated Owl, a Sora, a Western Tanager and a Clapper Rail. 

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a group of people (can you see me?) looking for the Owl…


lunch time:


I had the charbroiled shrimp plate, Eric had the shrimp and oyster po’boy

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the oysters were the best we have had west of the Mississippi!  a bit spicy hot for me, but very very good.  my charbroiled shrimp were fantastic.. 

stopped for a pound of fresh shrimp to cook this week.  great day on the Island, the weather was perfect, birding was perfect and of course lunch was perfect!  no complaints from us.

Sunday was another beautiful day, 77 sunny with light winds. biked for about 5 miles in Hidalgo by the Pump House.  found one new bird!  went to the flea Market:

DSCF6713 new Chiminea for home.. it has frogs on it!

Shrimp on the BBQ for dinner.  Wonderful 4 day weekend. Back to work tomorrow!

Friday, January 18, 2013

shoe shine and new eyeglasses

We went to Mexico on Thursday with about 5000 other Winter Texans.  the weather was great, was shining and lots of Margarita’s in their hands.  Bought some tiles for the sauna and a bird bath for the butterfly garden.  Needed to get my boots shined, cost $1 gave him a $2 tip.

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He did a really great job!  much better than I expected, no other shoe shine guy bothered me the rest of the day! 

Picked up our eyeglasses too.  Vision World in McAllen wanted $850, I paid $190.  they are not the newest fad frames but they look nice and they work!

Lunch at the Red Snapper:  shrimp Vera Cruz for me, seafood platter for Eric:

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both were very good. the fried shrimp was not as good as we get on the coast but did not expect it to be.  nice surprise to get white rice, usually it is the red sauce version which I am not crazy about.

We had a great day just walking around talking to the other winter Texans. Met some from Ashland Wis. everyone is always in a good mood and very friendly when they are in Mexico. Might be the Margarita’s.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

another cold blast..

The entire country seems to be having a cold snap.  We actually like it when we are working.  Not only are we more comfortable and not sweaty but the bugs are in hiding too!

We went in to work for a few hours on Sunday.  to make up for our short day last Wednesday.

Monday we met with Kim, the plant ecologist. She needs help with growing native grasses so that when we treat the invasive grasses at the entrance to Santa Ana we can replace them with natives. Our project (if we choose to accept) is to make plugs that will need to be started in seedling trays, then thinned out, and then transplanted into plug trays. They will also need watered several times a week (4-5 times per week while in seedling trays and 3-4 times per week when in plug trays).  we plan on starting this project next Tuesday.. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent on the trails and parking lot area.  This week we seen 3 bobcats, 3 Javalina’s and a very large raccoon!  Actually seen 5 Whooping Cranes flying overhead too!

the weather is warming up as the week goes on, hope to be back to 70 by Saturday. Our compound is full. we had two new couples arrive this week. have not had a chance to meet them yet.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Elvis Fest in Los Fresno's Tx


After birding at Recasa De Palm State Park in the morning, we headed to the



I really like the golf cart…  maybe mine might get a makeover??



there was about 6-7 Elvis Tribute Performers at the show.  we seen 4 of them.  some were better than others but it was a fun day.

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DSCF6689  there was also the favorite son of San Benito, Freddy Fender tribute performer too!


Of course lots of Winter Texans but also some locals too. 

and a Car show!  these belong to the same person.

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although it was windy it was a fun day.