Thursday, February 14, 2013

Wildlife etc

working the new camera..

Great Horned Owl in a nest                 Long Billed Thrasher singing loudly


Black neck Stilts                                          Hummingbird


Ring Necked Duck

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don’t know butterflies but they are easier to photograph

great day at the refuge.  still not seeing any bobcats. 

We have 2 known Great Horned Owl nests on the refuge.  this is Number 2:

at the photo blind a very fat squirrel and an Altamira Oriole

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we began this project our first week here in Dec.  we are finally getting water in Bobcat Pond!!

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the water was turned on at about 2:00 pm on Tuesday.  hopefully it stays on all night. this is actually a leaky pipe but they decided to take advantage of the leak and make a pond next to this road.

Wednesday we got to the Bobcat pond early, it is filling up!

DSCN0297 we diverted the water a bit more.  came back in the afternoon, it was really filling up pretty good, but we had a flat tire and had to rush back to the yard.  did not get a picture!

thinking that this is a moth and not a butterfly..

DSCN0296 A wonderful week, only two left!  where has the time gone. 

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