Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Hot and Humid again

Temps in the upper 80’s this week. Humidity pretty high too. We started out our work week at the Reveg area.  planted another 9 flats of grass seed.  was hoping to thin out the other ones but they are not ready yet.

DSCF6803 maybe next week we can begin our thinning.

wild life today: Texas Tortoise and Armadillo

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a Black Chinned Hummingbird at the feeder

DSCF6808 activity on the refuge kept us from working the trails after lunch. just after lunch we were walking down a trail where we have to walk down and back.  on our way back we ran into 5 UDA’s, we called Dispatch who sent Law Enforcement and Border Control out.  they got 2 of the guys and their drugs…  we ended up cleaning the parking lot! we prefer to be out on the refuge but they wanted us near the visitor center.  this is a hot season for the drug runners. 

Tuesday was my half year birthday.  temp was 91, sunny and humid.  after work we headed out for dinner, tried a new place:


it was downtown McAllen.  the theme was of the surrealist Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.  the service was very good, the beer ice cold and the food fantastic.  we started with Queso Fundido, Cheese and Chorizo then onto to Chicken and Shrimp fajitas.

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a great half birthday celebration. at this age we need to celebrate every 6 months.

and a little shopping for my gift:

 DSCF6826 I have been looking at this camera since Dec. but wanted to wait for it to go on sale. 

We first went to Best Buy but could not get service, only one person working in the camera department. after dinner we went to Wal Mart. Was able to get my camera but the credit card company put a hold on my card, (had to use debit card).  took care of that when we got home.  (the charge at Wal Mart was for too much money, so they suspected fraud). To my great surprise the camera was $50 less at Wal Mart than at Best Buy!  So my future pictures should be a lot better!

Wednesday was again hot and humid. today we seen a raccoon, suspect it was the same one we seen last week.

DSCF6822 and a scorpion! DSCF6825

another great work week here in the Valley!


  1. Hey, you did not tell me you had a blog...I just stumbled onto it. We really miss those wonderful fajitas and tortillas...yum!!!

    1. Sorry about that, I thought I gave it to you last year. Yes we love the food down here too.
