Sunday, February 17, 2013

2 more Weekends in the Valley

Wow has time flown by…  Thursday we headed west to Anzalduas park and Bentsen State park.  we really meet some great people while we are birding.  everyone is so friendly and helpful and very talkative.  too bad we will probably never meet them again.

Border Patrol had the boats in the water and horses on land!


we are not sure what this is?

a Red wing black bird, a green jay and a Kiskadee are sitting on a log, the kiskadee says…


I would like to make a joke but can’t come up with anything…

orange crowned warbler


another beautiful day in the valley.  Had to go to WhatABurger for lunch. count down on food and site seeing is getting into single digit days!!!


headed out to our favorite State Park.  still no Barn Owl.  think he has left or is really hiding in the palm tree. but we did see a few pretty birds.

white pelicans                                                    Rosetta spoonbills

pretty flowers


time for lunch went to Nana’s

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DSCN0345 I had the camera on the wrong setting that is why the two pictures are blue!  food was really good. ground beef, cabbage, tomato, cilantro, and avocado in a fried bread. 

met up with Kim at Reveg to meet the person taking over our seedlings when we leave. our grass seedlings are getting so big! would love to see them planted..

valentines and goodbye party for Tiffany who is going back to Jersey.  sure will miss her.  she was here on loan for just a few months. lot of good food but way too much, this pic is only about a quarter of what we had.

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fun time had by all.

Saturday was the Jalapeno 100 bike ride.  last year it was too windy so we only went 25 miles. this year it was windy again but we rode 50 miles.  the first 25 miles we rode in 1:55, the second 25 we rode in 2:45!  the wind really added a lot of time to our ride.  the total time including breaks was 5:30. 

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Some of the 100 milers passed us up!  of course they are at least half our age, less body weight and bike weight and in much better shape.  I did a little cussing when the wind was so strong we were only going about 6 mph.  when the wind was at our backs or no wind at all we were able to go 15-16 mph without much effort.  We went to Carino’s for late lunch, the Italian nachos were very very good. the shrimp with spinach on angle hair pasta and Chicken Parmesan were both wonderful.    the high temp was 68 today.  it felt good when we were riding but when we stopped I was freezing.  I need temps to be above 75.  after lunch we went home, I climbed under the blankets and took a nap. Eric took his nap outside!

Sunday morning we awoke to a few aches and pains but not too bad.  Spent the day relaxing in front of the TV.  too windy and too tired to go out.

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