Friday, December 21, 2012

the week before Christmas

We had another cool front come into the valley.
 can you see the cool front?  it is the line between the clouds and the clear sky.

 last week after the front I had to dress in layers, including my cute pink head band under my hat and two pairs of gloves.  Today after the front the only difference was the lack of humidity.  the temp got to about 84!  the weather here is really odd.

Seen two bobcats today, (Eric thinks he seen another one but it was too far away to confirm.

did not get a picture of the first one, he ran in front of us across the road.

the second one is about 30 feet from us..

burning sugar cane fields today..

had to go back to Verizon as my Wi Fi is still acting up.. 

cool enough at night to turn off the AC and open up the windows!

Tuesday: very cool morning.. started out at 55 degs.  warmed up to      beautiful sunny day to work on the trails, although it got a bit hot at 85.  tomorrow is suppose to be 90.

Last year we seen 2 bobcats in 4 months. in the last two days we seen 4! 

Wednesday: we joined a group to go to Palmito Battle ground and Boca Chica state park. One of our volunteers gave the history of the battle.  He did a very good job, made it interesting and fun. it was pretty windy so we did not see too many birds.

Portuguese Man of War...

Since we took Wed off we worked on Thurs.  which was a good thing.  Wednesday was about 90 deg and Thursday was about 65..  better day to work the trails.  still very windy...

Seen another Bob Cat today.  this one had a collar on it..  We went out for lunch today as we won't have time for dinner.  We are participating in the Weslaco parade tonight.  When we got back to the refuge it was in lock down so we could not go out onto the refuge.  We picked up trash in the ware yard..  there is always something to do around there.


The Bear:

the kids with music..

one of the volunteers and friend.

Refuge mascots, Ocelot and Blue Goose:

with the Chick-fa-le cow:

The kids really enjoyed the parade but so did the big kids.  everyone was in a very festive mood.

We are heading to South Padre Island for the weekend.  Saturday through Tuesday.  the weather looks to be pretty nice.  Of course plenty of sea food will be on the menu for this weekend.

Merry Christmas to everyone
if you are traveling be safe


  1. Great photos as always, suffering from cold weather blues this morning, woke to 3 degrees. Love to hear about the warm weather, and see pictures of good Mexican Food. Merry Christmas! -Steve-

    1. Merry Chrismas Steve, Lori, Grace and Joe.. sorry to hear about your cold weather. maybe some day you and Lori can join us down here?

    2. Our plane arrives tomorrow at 6 a.m., can you pick us up at the airport? Kidding! Would love to get down there sometime, maybe when we get rid of these two teenagers? Thanks for the weather update and food pictures, I'll live vicariously for now!

  2. Love reading your blog. Merry Christmas to you and Eric. LU R&J

    1. Merry Christmas to you and John, have a wonderful time at disney! love you Kathy

  3. It must be wonderful to see all those bobcats--and such good close sightings.
    Why the lockdown? Did you ever learn what was going on?
    Merry Christmas

    1. yes considering that we only seen 2 last year and this year we have seen at least one every day.. the refuge is a lot greener this year, lots more bunnies and hawks too.

      there were about 30 UDA's crossing the river, but our border control picked them all up!
