Wednesday, December 5, 2012

first work week.

Our new spot..

Monday we got aquainted with the refuge.  Seen lots of birds, met some old friends, met a few new ones too. Seen a Harris' Hawk getting lunch.  think it was a mouse!  the weather is pretty warm and humid, but no complaints here.. loving it and are so glad to be back in South Texas.

Tuesday: this trail needs grooming..

our first stab at grooming..

we felt the need to water the butterfly garden that we put in last year..

hopefully by Feb we will have lots of flowers and a better picture!

Wednesday: a bit cooler and less humid today. 

Green Jay's and Red Squirrel share a meal.

More Green Jay's are still in the tree waiting their turn.

We picked up garbage today, found a pair of non matching shoes..

we also found a lot of clothes too.

Most of the dead trees are down but there are still a few left for us to take care of..

we had a very good first week of work,  it was like we never left..  it is so beautiful and green. 

Tomorrow we are heading to Mexico for lunch and to get a few items.  This weekend it is suppose to be warm.  We have reservations for South Padre Island for Fri and Sat. 

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