Monday, October 15, 2012

two weeks to take off!

Can't believe that we will be leaving NW Wisconsin in two weeks.  The leaves are just about all on the ground, we have seen a flurry of snow and lots of birds are migrating south.  It will be us soon.

We hired a security service to watch over the house this winter. Too hard for others to get here often and these guys will bring chain saws etc...  for any thing that they come across, including removing mouse traps!

The spare bedroom is getting filled up with stuff!  we will bring more stuff but also eliminate other stuff, so it will all even out.   We have been cleaning out the food cabinets and refrigerator and freezer.  lots of odd meals but..  it has to be done.

We plan on being back the first week in March so we need to get our snow stuff staged in the garage!  so much to think about.

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